Vast Performance Remote Tuning Requirements
- * Vast’s tuning tools are on a loaner basis only. These tools are shipped out in anticipation of your tuning and will need to be shipped back to Vast so we can continue to serve our other customers. Because of the cost of these tools, remote tuning cost comes with a refundable $1000 deposit.
* Strong internet connection at the vehicle in question
- * An adequate battery maintainer capable of keeping the system voltage above 12.5v during the flashing process.
- * Windows 10 or newer laptop with a means of remote access by Vast.
- * No screen savers or power down modes turned on during the tuning process
- * Functionally verified operational download of AnyDesk software with permissions for Vast to access the laptop.
- * Communication. Communication. Communication. Vast Performance prides itself with clear and concise communication, before and after a tune, with each and every customer, in house or remote. Please make yourself physically available during your scheduled appointment as the Tuner may need to ask time sensitive questions related to your project. There will be multiple routes of communication offered, please confirm the route that is most effective during conversations with Vast.
- * Mechanically sound vehicles with no known electrical or mechanical defects or faults. Vast assumes no liability, implied or expressed, for mechanical or electrical damage that could possibly arise during the tuning process. Though efforts are made to mitigate variability in every way to ensure the customer is provided with a functional tune, remote tuning comes with inherent and accepted risks by the end user.
- * Tuning takes place between 8 am and 6 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday unless otherwise scheduled. Based on your software, vehicle, and revisions needed, this process can take several hours. The Tuner will be in communication with you as to the status of the project, but your patience is requested as some software will take longer than others.
- * If you’re unable to find your vehicle, model, or year in our tuning section, please contact Vast for a more specific product offering. Some vehicles may not currently have supported software or hardware, though we are always working on increasing our offerings.
- * Call Vast @ (248) 632 – 1600 or Email